As a school, we use the following services which are based in the Unites States - Class Dojo. We share data related to communication by email, photographs, parent/carer email addresses, parent/carer names/ID, pupil school email addresses, pupil name and pupil ID.
In order to comply with the UK GDPR principles of safeguarding data and international transfer. we have a Standard Contractual Clause (SCC) with Class Dojo.
If the purpose of the data we share changes, we will ask for further consent from parent/carers.
Data Protection:
Privacy Notices:
Subject Access:
Remote Learning:
As a school, we use the following services which are based in the Unites States - Class Dojo. We share data related to communication by email, photographs, parent/carer email addresses, parent/carer names/ID, pupil school email addresses, pupil name and pupil ID.
In order to comply with the UK GDPR principles of safeguarding data and international transfer. we have a Standard Contractual Clause (SCC) with Class Dojo.
If the purpose of the data we share changes, we will ask for further consent from parent/carers.
Data Protection:
Privacy Notices:
Subject Access:
Remote Learning:
As a school, we use the following services which are based in the Unites States - Class Dojo. We share data related to communication by email, photographs, parent/carer email addresses, parent/carer names/ID, pupil school email addresses, pupil name and pupil ID.
In order to comply with the UK GDPR principles of safeguarding data and international transfer. we have a Standard Contractual Clause (SCC) with Class Dojo.
If the purpose of the data we share changes, we will ask for further consent from parent/carers.
Data Protection:
Privacy Notices:
Subject Access:
Remote Learning: