Welcome to

Alkborough Primary School


Friends of Alkborough School are the parent-teacher charity that work closely with our school to enrich the school experience as a whole for all of our pupils. With the support of our pupils and their families we have raised money which has provided the school with lots of additional resources. These include: books, trips to the local Panto, transport for school trips, play ground equipment, sports equipment and discos to name a few. There is much more planned for the year ahead and a lot more we can do to ensure a positive school experience for our pupils. Our charity’s values run alongside that of the schools values and we are proud to be able to support our hard working teachers and pupils at Alkborough Primary School to enrich the school experience. There is far more to come and we’re always accepting of new members to the team. If you’re interested in joining the PTA please enquire at reception. Every new member is a welcome attribute to the team.